
Submission process

How to submit your abstract (1000 words maximum) ?

Submission Webpage

  • Firstly, you create an account (click on the arrow near Login on the right and follow the option of account creation)
  • Secondly, you submit your abstract by using the Submission link in MY SPACE. 


Abstract Format

  • Prospective presenters of contributed papers should submit an extended abstract. The extended Abstract should
    (i)   state clearly the problem and objectives,
    (ii)  review briefly some related key literature,
    (iii) describe the innovativeness of the methodology,
    (iv) outline the kind and source of data used,
    (v) value the scientific and practical relevance of the findings.
    (vi) list a maximum of 5 key references.
    The maximum length of the extended Abstract (excluding key references) should not exceed 1000 words.
  • Please submit the abstract before August 1st, 2016. Any abstract received after that date will be rejected. 


How to submit your paper?

  • Each paper must be submitted as a single PDF file, and it must be in accordance with the template for MS Word or the style file of the LaTeX2e typesetting system which is listed below:

    Please note that this is a corrected format and that any paper must not be in the (camera-ready) format for Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management mentioned in the call for papers.

    Please do not use compatible word processors such as Google Docs, iWork Pages, or OpenOffice Writer. Also, please do not protect a PDF file to be submitted.

    Each (conditionally) accepted abstract should be updated and written in the abstract section of the corresponding paper to be submitted. As part of the full paper submission the length of the revised definitive abstract must be reduced to a maximum of 250 words. The title, the author(s) and affiliation(s), the abstract, and the keywords of each accepted (and presented) paper will also appear in the Book of Abstracts.

    Any paper should not exceed 20 pages, excluding a list of references.

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