Please find in the following some instruction for the presentation at RailLille2017:
All presentations must be in English. There are no simultaneous translation facilities. Please speak slowly and clearly throughout your presentation to help those who are not native English speakers.
A computer, a projector and a laser pointer will be available in each session room. It will not be possible to use another computer for the presentation.
Each presentation is allocated a 20 minute time slot. Please adhere strictly to this slot. We suggest to plan for a 15 minutes presentation followed by 5 minutes for discussion. Please follow any additional instructions give n by your session chairperson.
Please be in the session room at least 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time of the session in order to upload your presentation on the available computer and meet the chairperson.
All presentations should be prepared as a pdf file. Please name the file with your surname and your submission number (SURNAME_subNumber.pdf). No internet connection will be available on the computer used for the presentation to download the presentation from a remote address, so please bring the Pdf file of your presentation on a USB flash drive.