Call for papersAIMS OF IARORIAROR was founded in 2005 and has currently more than 250 members. IAROR combines the expertise of academic and professional railway research with the aim of enhancing the quality of service for railway passengers and customers, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of capacity management, timetabling, traffic management and ensuring the safety of railway operations. IAROR stimulates innovative theoretical approaches, high-tech concepts, new technological developments and dynamic decision support systems that contribute to a higher flexibility, performance and punctuality of trains operating on single or dedicated lines and in heterogeneous networks. IAROR contributes to the development of new international standards for railway capacity and traffic management by integration of the state-of-the-art from different scientific disciplines as engineering, mathematics, physics, economics and computer science. IAROR aims at becoming the Network of Excellence in the field of railway operations research and an acknowledged advisor to governments, railway infrastructure managers, train operating companies and the industrial suppliers with regard to the development and evaluation of research programs, innovation strategies, directives and norms for railway operations. AIM AND SCIENTIFIC ISSUESRailLille2017 is the 7th International Conference on Railway Operations Modeling and Analysis. It will promote interdisciplinary discussions in the railway operations research area by combining the expertise of academics and professionals. RailLille2017 will give researchers the opportunity to meet, to present their latest research, and to discuss current developments and applications. RailLille2017 solicits contributions dealing with any aspect of railway planning and operation. Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest are: ORGANISATION COMMITTEE
ABSTRACT AND PAPER SUBMISSIONProspective presenters of contributed papers should submit an extended abstract emphasizing its innovativeness and relevance. The abstract should contain a maximum of 1000 words (excluding list of key references). It has to be uploaded following the submission process at http://raillille2017.sciencesconf.org/page/submission_process. For the accepted abstracts, draft papers of a maximum length of 20 pages are to be submitted to the same website. They shall be formatted in accordance with the RailLille2017 templates available on the conference website in the Submission process page and with the guidelines of Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management(http://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-of-rail-transport-planning-and- management/2210-9706/guide-for-authors. The best papers will be eligible for publication in this journal. IMPORTANT DATES
YOUNG RAILWAY OPERATIONS RESEARCH AWARDExcellent papers on innovative research carried out and presented by participants not older than 35 years are eligible for the YOUNG RAILWAY OPERATIONS RESEARCH AWARD sponsored by the Board of IAROR. The Award is worth € 2,500. Candidates are requested to register separately. The winner will be announced at the end of the conference.